Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Barack Obama's Distinct Prejudices

Barack Obama is very intelligent and capable, but his distinct prejudices (and the lack of knowledge that permits this to continue to exist) dramatically hurt his ability to make decisions that benefit the economy and certain aspects of society.

These prejudices are understandable in light of his experience as a community organizer - and that his frame of mind continues in that vein. This is a good, positive trait, in that it connotes empathy and caring and values toward the good of mankind.

However, that viewpoint is not continued out into a broader view of the world. 

If this is possibly political rhetoric, designed to appeal to the base, it reeks of inauthenticity compared to his stated goals of benefitting the nation.  If it is authentic prejudice, then it is equally damaging and out of place - and he needs an education.  Basically, he suffers from lack of awareness, which is an inevitable result of his limited experience. 

He speaks of:

"fat cats"
"punish our enemies" (when referring to fellow Americans)
"being held hostage" (as if he was a victim - which is not good for a President to be)

And a myriad of such demonizing or make wrong statements. 

He denigrates the "profit motive" and forgets that it is the engine that drives the economy, which then permits us to have enough money to take care of all of our citizens.  He imposes massive sets of regulations, which are an obvious damper to business. 

I can imagine, given all of his many good traits, the power he would have without those prejudices, where he could seek unbiased, unslanted advice and hear it better. 

But the prejudices and positions have been so strong that there is very little progress in enabling private enterprise to do its part, which would be if in a pro-growth stance toward them to drive us to prosperity instead of a web of entanglement that is disabling.  (He should take, as well as the members of congress, a basic course in capitalism, such as that mentioned on the site:  Capitalism.)

If he were to let go of the demonization and see that few businesses are headed by devils and that overall the business people are good people who want to create good, but are people who have a specific focus as to how they contribute, then he would have the possibility of being an effective President. 

I would hope for change, so that he can implement "hope and change".   I did vote for him, with the purpose of shaking things up, to run our country from more of an enlightened viewpoint - plus the judgment I made about McCain not being a very good source of hope plus his having a vice president that is too weak to be a President. 

But, alas, there is no case for his being an effective President, unless he chooses to authentically run this country for the benefit of all and to let go of the politically driven rhetoric and motives.

Will he change?  I would hope so.  I would hope for a miracle...but with very little belief that it will happen.

Sad.  Too bad...

The Rational Non-Politician

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