Saturday, December 11, 2010

Educaton And Charter Schools

Yes, I realize that there is a strong lobby of the teacher's unions to keep the status quo at public schools.  But the public interest is in having a much better education for the students.  And, if teachers are qualified, tthey need not be protected from losing their jobs as they can work with the charter schools. 

The charter schools will take the same fees and costs that are paid for each student in the public schools and provide better education, using the efficiencies and motivation of private business to solve problems better than government. 

Other than special interests, is there any reason not to take the much better education?  Are we willing to compromise at such a great cost: the loss for a lifetime of lower quality education?

Now is the time to stop settling for mediocrity and let's get our education up there so that each student stands a better chance for a good future and so that the U.S. stays productive.  The types of jobs that will be available in the US are the high knowledge jobs - and they are the ones that provide high salaries, for they are the high-value-providing jobs.  If we don't do this on an urgent basis, we will find ourselves too far behind, with vacant high value jobs that have to be filled by foreigners.

Please choose and act with the greatest urgency and don't put up with less than high urgency action by the legislature - it is our very future as a nation and our individual prospecrity that is at stake!

The Rational Problem Solver

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