Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Are Gay Civil Unions or Marriage Inevitable?

Yes, they are inevitable. 

According to a recent Gallup Survey 53% of Americans favor legal gay marriage.  And as younger people become voters this percentage will increase.

So, those opposing gay marriage would best rationally just accept that gay unions with the equivalent of full marriage rights are inevitable - and being righteous about it will do anyone any good - I think Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and the Dalai Lama would agree that righteousness and make wrong are not "right" acts.

The best that can be accomplished is to protect the term "marriage" for those who extremely value it as being a unique family unit.  I think the majority of Americans do not have the right to trod on others - especially since there is another way to give equal rights to gay people.

The rational choice is to have a legal name such as civil unions for the gay person's full rights and to leave intact the term marriage for the traditional meaning, not changing the definition nor imposing the majority's will on others.

So, give up opposing such unions for gay people.

And, for others, please consider honoring others' beliefs and even holy values by giving them the respect of keeping intact the meaning of the family value of marriage.

This involves only a small compromise on both sides and accomplishes creating a greater good overall for the people involved - and that is what ethics is.  And Ethics is how we should run our country and our lives.  (Read Ethics.)

Will rationality prevail?  Will you support rationality?   What do you think about all of this?

Let's just be settled on this and accept the inevitable in a gracious way while being respectful of others...and let's get on with the key matters that will determine our future, creating an America of strong values and great effectiveness for producing financial abundance and benefit for all...and for creating greater happiness and health.

The Rational NonPolitician

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