Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The "Lie" about the Obama Jobs Plan, Student Loan Plan, and etc.

I am saddened to see non-complete, non-informative, non-truth rhetoric from the President.

He blames the Republicans for not wanting people to have jobs, which, is, of course, preposterous.  He fails to mention that the non-starter, which he knew was a fixed position, was the increase in taxes that the Republicans would not accept. 

Instead of funding the jobs bill with expenditure cuts elsewhere in order to keep balance, he chose the unworkable route of more taxes.  The effect of adding a 5.6% tax for the over million dollars a year group would be $45 billion a year, which, in the "new math", would amount to $450 billion over 10 years, which is the amount of the cost of the jobs bill.

So, this would mean the deficit is increased by $405 billion this year, since that amount will be coming in over the remaining nine years.  Undisclosed fact - and I am saddened by this modus operandi - not angered, but tremendously disappointed in the lack of true leadership, of which I think truth-telling is a major element.

His beneficence on shortening the time before student debts are forgiven simply allows for not having that money paid back to the federal government, which creates a hole that must be filled by passing the burden on to future taxpayers.  (See Student Loan discussion.)

His 'Mortgage Relief' beneficence in allowing people who are up to date on underwater mortgage loans passes a burden to taxpayers, as there is no free lunch.  This burden is not obvious, though it is logical.  To have a new lower interest loan an old loan must be cancelled, which causes a loss.  In this case, the loss is to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which will result in adding to the bailout costs, largely not discussed, which are estimated to be the biggest of any in history.   The estimated costs will be between $450 billion to well over a trillion dollars.

When we relieve Americans of paying payroll taxes for Social Security, guess what happens.  The Social Security fund is then short by that amount.  And that means that future generations must make up the difference. 

And we don't see these discrepancies in the pitches that are being made, as they are being made without proper and complete disclosure.  The irony is that this government is pushing for better consumer disclosure and other disclosures - but it is being out of integrity with its own disclosures.

A culture of responsibility is the only solution, rather than a culture of sales pitches and being irresponsible for the consequences that will inevitably, predictably occur.  

And I am saddened and disappointed by all of this - and I stand for picking leaders who will face the responsibility with full integrity.  We do not have a leader who is doing that...

Yours for rational choices,

The Rational NonPolitician

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