Thursday, November 3, 2011

Guarantees to those over 55 - Be clear!

One of the key lies that are believed out there, even supported rather ignorantly by an ad by AARP (amazingly enough - what is going on?), is that older people's Social Security and Medicare benefits would be affected by any proposed changes.

The Republican Party should, without talking about anything else (in order to not confuse people with more than one subject), individually across the spectrum say "we guarantee that there will be no changes for people 55 or over, period.  Please let us know if there is any question about that?" 

Doubt on this is the key issue that is causing alienation of the senior citizens to the Republican Party.  Correct it, stomp it out, make it absolutely clear and completely known!

Then, see the next blog on "choices" on how people under 55 will be covered - and make this point clear. 

The Rational NonPolitician

If the "third rail" (Social Security and Medicare) is not dealt with that will be the height of irresponsibility.  I understand why the Democrats will not address the issue as it has caused Ryan immense problems, as the only responsible person to make a concrete proposal.  (In the railroad, the third rail, if touched, electrocutes one.)

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