Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Republicans will not do well in the elections, unless...

There appears, though I could be wrong, to be nobody running the political show overall for the Republicans - all this while the Democrats are doing a great job, as is their very politically able leader Barack Obama. 

The Republicans, as is one of their main tenets, bear 100% responsibility for this. 

They make statements that do not include compassion or concern for the non-rich, yet they are doing, with their actions, what is truly in the best interests of the citizens, while the Democrats are attempting to do the same but with strategies that do not confront the economic realities.  There appears to be integrity in the Republican actions, but it is not recognized nor properly communicated.

The Democrats are successful in labeling the Republicans:

As uncaring, 'uncompassionate' demons

The Republicans stand for being "tough" for the benefit of all, but they come across as harsh and uncaring - a real loser when dealing with human beings!  (This will lose the election, where it will be easy to say that the Republicans don't care, so vote for us - on an emotionally appealing level.)

The Republicans do not parry Obama's move to get the public to be against them, as they do not mention that the reason they don't vote for any "jobs related" bill is because each of them add new taxes - and Obama knows the Republican position about no new taxes.  (Sad commentary on a President's ethics.)

Caring only for the rich

The Republicans do not win points for claiming the idea that we do not want to tax the rich because "they are the small business owners" - well, they are not so small if they make more than $1,000,000 and they will not be much affected by an increase in taxes of 4% above a million of net income.  The Republicans should make it clear, in every discussion, that they are standing strong against any new taxes in order to force the government to stop its foolish spending and to be disciplined.

Taking away benefits (Social Security and Medicare). 

The Republicans need to publicize the amounts owed clearly - people don't see it!!! - and then request that individuals go on a site explaining this and then to 'vote' as to what the citizens would recommend.  (See Medicare - Which Do You Choose?.) And then the results of the poll should be published and more people invited to visit the site to see why people voted this way.   

And they should say:  "Our only goal is to have these programs work for those who need it.  Those 55 and older will not see any changes.  For the rest of us, the public can choose whether it wants to pay in more to make it work or to start taking it later or not.  There is no legitimate choice to not deal with this."

Just being political

The big mistake, which, with good advice, should never be made:  "Our primary goal is to get rid of Obama."

That is not well-stated at all.  It is to get a new President who can be effective for the people.

There should be one clear site that people can go to, including the Republican politicians, to see the explanations and recommendations about what to do and how to do it, with no nastiness or "twisted" rhetoric - a site which all citizens can go to in order to understand.  (The Democrats should do the same.)  The Republican National Committee site is not updated, not organized well, and not easily understandable or usable by the public. 

Hopefully, we can reach a place where there is more clarity and rationality that is fact-based in our discussions for the benefit of ALL of the stakeholders in the USA, so we can create a great future - and we are clearly not doing that right now!

The Rational NonPolitician
The Site

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