Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Obama. Adult? Bringing people together?

In Ron Suskind's Confidence Men, a current history of the White House, etc., certain of Obama's main people state that working with Obama leaves them "home alone" with "no adult in the room", so they had to step up to fill the holes. 

Evilizing the Republicans for "wanting more pollution" while "we want to employ the teachers" - is that an adult conversation?  (A fuller version:  "You can't pretend that creating dirtier air and water for our kids and having fewer people on health care and less accountability on Wall Street is a jobs plan!"  I am deeply saddened to see our President tell such fibs, exaggerating, twisting, etc., as if politics and nastiness were an acceptable objective above making things work and causing cooperation.  )  

Will it lead to working together?  Is this unfair exaggeration and "coloring" things unfairly?  Is that the President we want to be the adult leader?

He neglected to say that the Republicans had already told him that no increase in taxes would be allowed and that it was part of his package that was to be accepted in whole (which even many Democats would not vote for).   To color Republicans as being against the American people and against jobs is clearly not true, yet the President states it strongly.  And he wonders why there is an atmosphere of non-cooperation.

Of course, the President blames others for the very same thing - as 'justification' for his not being an adult? 

Will the President turn around and behave as an adult?  Will he become effective so that the people who work with him will see that he is? 

As I read this, it sounds as if it is political.  But I am looking at it purely in what is logical, factual, and good for the country (not politics or winning elections).  If there is something here that needs to be corrected or enhanced, with no blame or oppositional talk, please do share that!

The Rational NonPolitician

See also Evaluating The Obama Presidency.

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