Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama will beat Romney unless...

Clearly Romney would run the government for much greater benefit (see Romney Evaluation) than Obama, yet it looks like Obama will win the hearts and the personal interests of the base.  (See Obama Evaluation.  In that piece, I discuss why I had voted for Obama as the rational choice last time, but...)

An example, one of many, is “As to what to do for the housing industry specifically and are there things that you can do to encourage housing: One is, don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom,” 

While technically correct probably, it appears heartless, especially in the state with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation.

I know Romney does care, but the voters need to know - if Romney makes it past the other Republican rivals.

If one is right plus doing what it takes to look tough to the 'right wing', one will not do well if he looks cruel and heartless - especially when that is the theme being used by the Democrats.  Being "right" is the booby prize if one does not win the overall objective.

In Advice For Romney, if he doesn't hire Frank Luntz, I suggest that the way of speaking be adjusted to a more balanced and human approach - and that there be on the website an easily referenceable explanation for any strategy (not buried in a long report). 

For example, in the mortgage discussion, the phraseology should at least include a "human" and/or "compassionate" statement - and a true one, of course. 

"I am very concerned for those who are being foreclosed on, especially those where it was no fault of their own.  I am committed to doing what is best for the greater good of all for the long term. I've thought long and hard about this.. The question here is what role government should take and what will work for the greater good for the long term.  If we interfere, then the problems get prolonged and there is actually more harm.   It is best to let the market work itself out, so we can recover more quickly. There is no magic solution.   I would of course encourage those of our citizens who wish to voluntarily contribute to a national fund to help those who need help where help is justified - it is not appropriate to force the burden on to other citizens, I believe.  I would encourage lenders to do what they can, but the Federal Government cannot force them to do this.   Otherwise, the safety nets are in place for those who need it.   I have a deeper explanation on for those who are interested."

There is a greater moral issue here.  The future of this nation.  It is deteriorating for reasons on site.  Mitt Romney's management and problem solving capabilities are needed to do a "turnaround", as we cannot afford to continue the path we are on. 

(Romney should also correct this, by adding a piece such as is included in Mortgages on the Rational NonPolitician site.)
Yours for rational, fact-based decisions,

The Rational NonPolitician

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