Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Religious Righteousness Against Mormonism

Robert Jeffries, who introduced Perry at a recent speech, assert that Mormonism is a cult and that they are not Christians.  (Perry has refuted this, to his credit.)

This is an example of righteousness and what seems to be very unchristian behavior.  Would Christ do this? 

This man, in this instance, is being irrational and righteous - a combination which has created a great deal of harm in this world.  He needs to learn how to reason and be fair, or he'll be leading people into more irrationality and what causes the problems in the world.

Of course, the name of the Mormon church, also called the LDS church, is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints.  It would appear that Jeffries should check things out in more depth before making assertions.

Throughout history, churches have fought against other churches and religions.  They do this all in the belief that they are right and the others wrong.  However, the others believe they are right also.  So, we have 10,000 variations of religion most of whom believe they are the right one - but, at the very best, there would logically be 9,999 of them that were not right in some way. 

It is preposterous to believe that one 'knows the truth' based on explaining what is unexplainable and 'knowing' the truth of the unprovable and often unknowable. 

A religion with mature perspective allows for and tolerates other religions.  Muhammad urged tolerance.   See Jesus quote below.  All wise religions support "love".  Jeffries is doing a perfect example here of hatefulness and righteousness, which is the opposite of good religion.   

With regard to Jeffries and his learning more, Jesus statement might be used here: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."   So, the solution, as always, is to educate those like Jeffries so that they can do what works better for the world and stop their harm.

Until we rid the world of such thinking as Jeffries engages in, the world will not be as good as it can be.  He is not to blame for he is simply doing the best he can, given the current limits of his awareness.  He is not the problem.  It is his lack of awareness/knowledge.  So the solution is to solve the lack of awareness.

What do you think?

The Rational Non-Politician
(aka The Rational Problem Solver)

A cult? Well, certainly not as large as the cult of Jeffries.  It seems, from my knowledge and review of their principles and 'books' that they are a community that is progressive and of very high character and values. 

See the brief comments on Mormonism - Not A Factor under Evaluation Of Romney.

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